Sunday, July 31, 2016

Friday, July 29, 2016

Relationships Can't Make You Happy

Why relationships don't make you happy. It's time to stop saying "I'll be happy when I get married or fall in love." Get happy first and love will find you!

Happiness is an inside job.

 If you want more tips and inspiration on how to live a Beautiful, Happy and Peaceful Life then join me for Thursday's Thoughts directly to your inbox.

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Fear Closes Your Heart To Love

Whenever we live in fear about anything it closes our heart to love and the goodness of life.

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Change the Way You Look at Things

Here is one phrase that drains us of our joy and steals our creativity. “I have to”… Such as “I have to go to work, I have to pay the light bill, I have to take my car to the shop etc….,” What if we turned our “have to’s” into “get to’s”.
Such as "I get to go to work" (because some people been out of work for months), "I get to pay my light bill" (Some people just can’t afford to), "I get to take my car to the shop" (be thankful you have a car to drive).
When you look at what you “get to do” versus what you “have to do” it keeps you in a more grateful place, and you can experience more joy and have more energy to create the things you want in life.

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