You ever wonder how to still be happy when your partner, friends or co-workers are negative? Tune into the show tonight where we’ll cover how to be happy regardless of what’s going on around you.
Thursday on the live show we'll dive into how to be happy even during tough times.
It's a club for those of you who want to build a business that promotes beauty, happiness, peace, and healing; a soul based business that makes an impact and a
difference in people’s lives and raises the consciousness of the planet.
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the club?
Access to “Living on
Purpose” Live Weekly Broadcast
week we will discuss tips and tools that will help you on your path to
discovering and living your soul’s purpose and how to create a soul based side
Thursday’s on Youtube Live Stream at 7:30 Starts October 27, 2016
Tips and Tools for Living
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Here’s a reminder that if you’re feeling bummed after work out you can change how you feel in a matter of minutes. You just have to know what things jazz you up and actually do them after work in spite of feeling down.
Last month I noticed I
hadn’t been feeling like myself. My energy was low and I had moments of feeling
sad and discouraged.
First I began thinking it was my relationship causing me to feel sad, then
maybe my job, lastly I blamed my bills. I was looking for something or
someone to blame for my moment of unhappiness.
It really sucked when I had to own up to
the fact that it was all me and nothing outside of me was causing me to
feel empty and numb.
Honestly I went through
my twenties feeling empty and numb until I began a journey of
spiritual growth. I began getting in touch with my spiritual side
by meditating, yoga, dancing in my room, reading, and journaling.
A few weeks ago I
realized that I hadn't been doing those types of things regularly like I
used to. So I was heading back to my comfort zone which is the state of
I lived in the mental state of sadness many years longer than I have
lived in a Beautiful Happy Peaceful state of mind. So by not consciously doing
things to raise my energy/vibration it began to drop. It's so easy to get caught in a routine of going work and coming home, then going to work and coming home again that you forget to actually live. Now I make a serious
effort to do those things that get me in touch with my spirituality and
I said all that to say happiness and joy are not automatic and sometimes we
have to use conscious effort to meditate, dance, journal, watch a comedy or do
whatever lights your SOUL ON FIRE.
Please make a commitment
to yourself to do the things that lift you up because when you don't, suffering
soon follows. Make time in your schedule before or after work!
Remember happiness is a
choice, meaning each moment you have a choice to stay bummed out or jump
up and go for a walk.
What are you going to
decide to do? The choice is yours!
Here's A Few Ideas
5 things
you can do right now to raise your vibration!
1. Write down 10 things
that you are grateful for and why.
2. Go for a power walk or jog. You could also practice yoga or go for a swim,
really anything that gets your blood pumping will do.
3. Use your creative side and make something beautiful.
4. Watch a comedy. Choose something that will have you cracking up.
5. Do a few random acts of kindness. (Buy someone a cup of coffee, give a
stranger a compliment, buy homeless person a meal, call a friend and tell them
how much they mean to you…there’s so much you can do).
Thanks, Essence
Are you feeling stuck, stressed and overwhelmed after work? Ready to move
past where you are and in the direction of happiness, peace and purpose? Let’s chat.Click herefor your complimentary Beautiful Happy Peaceful
Life session with me.
If you're feeling stuck in life and having a hard time sparking your creativity then I suggest practicing gratitude. Gratitude shifts your energy to the present moment which is where all your creative juices live :)
Take the 7 day gratitude challenge
Please share because #IdesireToInspire #beautifulHappyPeaceful
Monday, August 1, 2016
Take a moment and feed your soul with positive energy!
Why relationships don't make you happy. It's time to stop saying "I'll be happy when I get married or fall in love." Get happy first and love will find you!
Happiness is an inside job.
If you want more tips and inspiration on how to live a Beautiful, Happy and Peaceful Life then join me for Thursday's Thoughts directly to your inbox.
Here is one phrase that drains us of our joy and steals our creativity. “I have to”… Such as “I have to go to work, I have to pay the light bill, I have to take my car to the shop etc….,” What if we turned our “have to’s” into “get to’s”.
Such as "I get to go to work" (because some people been out of work for months), "I get to pay my light bill" (Some people just can’t afford to), "I get to take my car to the shop" (be thankful you have a car to drive).
When you look at what you “get to do” versus what you “have to do” it keeps you in a more grateful place, and you can experience more joy and have more energy to create the things you want in life.